Reasons to choose Videos over Texts.

Do you know that the human brain is drawn to motion in visuals more than to text. A reason study has shown that viewers remember 95% of a message when watching a video than when they read a text so what does this mean for your business let me tell you it means you need to choose videos to adapt an undefeatable strategy of making your business stand out in the market. That’s why Videos has become the leading platform to extract real business value from social Media but where can you get the most intuitive, affordable, and authentic videos to reach more people on social media. Don’t worry Mishi Media Solutions Provide a One-Stop Shop for All Your Business Needs. Mishi Media Solutions create out-of-the-box videos that convey an idea, educate, and promote your brand and values.
In this blog, I will tell you why you should switch to videos instantly…
Before going to the reasons I would love to tell you some of the statistics which shows that videos are more effective than text.. According to numbers consumers prefer videos even more than marketers do you know users spend 88% more time on a website that contains a video and also it helps your consumers to understand your business a lot faster than a text template.
Still, wondering why choose videos as a marketing strategy? 
Still, wondering why choose videos as a marketing strategy?
Video provides a more engaging experience for viewers.
Videos make it easier to understand the features and services of your product. You can also teach how to use your product in a video. That’s why Mishi Media Solutions Provide High-Quality Video to increase engagement rates on your website.
Text our more likely to get skipped or ignored in comparison to videos
Video is an engaging way of promoting your business you can also explain Complex messages because video allows the prospect to see what is being said rather than just reading. Mishi Media Solution helps your audience find your brand more easily through videos.
Video get higher click rates
A study has discovered that the click-out rate of videos has increased by 25% in comparison to text video is of very powerful sales weapon it is more likely to be chosen consumers and it can also increase your engagement rate in conversion rates. Mishi media solutions help you get amazing results through unforgettable Video Marketing.
So, What are you waiting for? start building better relations with your consumers by creating Video Messages. Videos are the best way of explaining your message and emotions to your prospects.
Still Confused about how to get professional videos
Don’t worry just simply contact Mishi Media Solutions to get premium quality videos at a very affordable price.